Gamut: The Millenial Mag

Gamut is a concept magazine I designed and founded to cater to millennials of all gender identifications.

First Volume Cover

My Role

In addition to conceptualizing the magazine, I also recruited a colleauge to author some of the content. The design and layout was conceived and executed by me.

Dispatch, Masthead, and Table of Contents

In keeping with the egalitarian spirit of Gamut, my colleague and I opted to eschew the standard letter from the editor and instead write a collective dispatch. The masthead details not only our creative efforts, but also those of the artists whose work is featured in the publication. The table of contents, as seen on this and later pages, reflects our desire to keep balance and a youthful aesthetic central to Gamut.

Tools I Used

This project was made with Unsplash, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe InDesign

A Note on Ad Copy:

Out of awareness for its audience, as well as the pressing need for balanced representation, Gamut is proud to feature ads that depict readers of all races and orientations, like these ones I made on-spec for Hyundai and Austin retailer ByGeorge.


Column Focus

In determining the breadth of topics Gamut would cover, I set about asking millennials what they didn’t hear enough about. Among the answers were: minorities at work, women’s empowerment, and art-centered stories. The columns that made the final cut reflect the wishes of its readership.

Regarding Company Representation:

The company logos depicted within Gamut are used strictly under the auspices of Fair Use for a course project. The ads in Gamut were not commissioned or endorsed by Hyundai, ByGeorge, or Vans (though they were created with authenticity in mind to align with the ethos of each company’s ad history).