MS Give App

Each year, a company (I’ll refer to it as MS) does something remarkable: throughout the month of October, it places a special emphasis on charitable giving. To help MS achieve as much good as it possibly can over the Octobers to come, I created an app prototype called MS GIVE Tracker to help its employees track their donations and inspire altruistic competition to boost employee engagement.

Take it for a Test Drive

Stills are great, but they aren’t…alive. If you’re looking for the interactive version of this project, click here to see the high fidelity prototype.

My Role

I conceived, designed, and executed this idea to celebrate MS's legacy of giving, and to flex my design and microcopy skills.

Meet Micah

Inspired by Cortana, I created my own VUI, Micah (they/them). Micah might look square, but I tend to agree with Huey Lewis where Micah is concerned: it’s hip to be square—especially when your edges replicate falling dominoes. Why dominoes? When one person starts a GIVE initiative, it has a ripple effect across the whole company, and the whole world. Micah’s shape is an homage to the kind of change GIVE is capable of. At the moment, Micah has a limited collection of responses as they're primarily limited to GIVE-related queries.

Tools I Used

Made with InVision, Adobe InDesign, and MS' Fluent and UWP guidelines.

Fluent in GIVE

I centered my design decisions around Fluent and UWP guidelines to make a prototype that would adhere as closely as possible to MS’ design guidelines. My special thanks to the wonderful team of writers (Mike Jacobs, Michael Satran, Serena Zheng, Karl Bridge, Jim Walker, and Mo King) who contributed the documentation for the UWP and Fluent guidelines.
